
by Fleeting Thought Software



TransCrypt is a simple application that allows privacy minded people to encrypt messages using the one time pad encryption technique. Great for securely communicating short messages through email, text messaging, publicly available messaging platforms.What makes this application special? The key can be typed as an easy to remember phrase or random words. The phrase is converted to a numeric key code. This random phrase is easy to remember and easily conveyed to the recipient. For example, if I send a cipher - the recipient can obtain the password by using the first, fifth, and eighth words from the body of my email or they may use a word in conjunction with my phone number.The difficulty with one time pad encryption is getting the key to the recipient because with the key and cipher the message can be revealed. Being able to use random words or phrases helps solve this problem.Quantum computers in the future may be able to break passwords and todays encryption in a matter of hours. If used correctly one time pad encryption is unbreakable because given only a cipher the key can be changed to make any phrase.One of three common straddling checkerboards, AT ONE SIR, AEINOR, or ESTONIA can be chosen. This way if the recipient has a non-Android phone or one of those cool retro-flip-phones, or no phone at all - the messages can still be manually deciphered.Once your key and message are encoded you can click the share button to select an applicatiion to send your key, cipher, or both. It is not secure to send both at the same time! Sending both can be fun when learning about one time pad encryption.There is no account to set up. No login. Nothing happens over the network with Transcrypt aside from receiving ads from Google and using the sharing feature.If you are trying to encrypt a numeric only text the application will assume you are trying to decrypt so if the message is a phone number for example simply add ph before the number so the program knows to encrypt instead of decrypt.